美國弗羅裡達國際大學(邁阿密)HCPS實驗室招收哈工大碩士畢業生(或優秀本科生)赴美攻讀博士學位,由美國國家自然科學基金資助學費和生活補助(獎學金)。條件和要求可見本文英文部分,申請方式等情況可聯系我校電氣學院孫金玮 (jwsun@hit.edu.cn, tel. 15344512662)了解。
The Human Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory (HCPS Lab) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Florida International University located in Miami, Florida is actively recruiting four Ph.D. students. The HCPS lab will provide full support for the Ph.D. students including both tuitions and stipend through the internal and external sponsors including the National Science Foundation (NSF).
The qualified candidates are expected:
-Undergraduate major in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or other related fields (Master degree is preferred);
-Outstanding scientific English writing skill (previous scientific publication experience is a plus);
-Excellent oral English communication;
-Minimal undergraduate GPA of 3.0/4.0;
-Minimal GRE score of 310 (verbal + Math);
-Minimal TOEFL score of 95 (for those non-native English speakers);
-Excellent programming skill on C/C++, MATLAB etc.
-Willing to and capable for human subject study.
The students will work in one or more research areas as follows:
-Area 1: Embedded systems engineering on body-area sensor network.
-Area 2: Smart computing of human signals using machine intelligence.
-Area 3: Prosthesis control and optimization
-Area 4: Wireless sensor network synchronization and communication
-Area 5: Rehabilitation robotics/mechatronics
-Area 6: Medical device security